Madhya Kerala Diocese

Madhya Kerala Diocese

The Church of South India (commonly known as CSI) is the successor of the Church of England in India. It was inaugurated on 27 September 1947 at St. George’s Cathedral, Chennai. The presiding bishop at the inaugural service was the Rt. Rev. Dr. C. K. Jacob, the first Indian bishop of the diocese of Madhya Kerala. Discussions concerning union had begun at a conference at Tranquebar (now Tarangambadi) in 1919, and in 1947, after India attained independence, the union was completed. The integration of Anglican, Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational churches led to the formation of the CSI. The continued growth was further enriched with the joining of the churches of Basel Mission and the Anglican Diocese of Nandyal. With a membership of over 4.5 million, it is India’s second largest Christian Church after the Roman Catholic Church.

Organized into 24 dioceses, each under the spiritual supervision of a bishop, the church as a whole is governed by a synod, which elects a moderator (presiding bishop) every 2 years. A unique church was born out of the blending of the Episcopal and non – Episcopal traditions as a gift of God to the people of India and as a visible sign of the ecclesiastical unity for the universal church. As far as the CSI is concerned, the Scriptures are the ultimate standard of faith and practice; the historic creeds are accepted as interpreting the biblical faith, and the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper are recognized as of binding obligation.

The Church of South India has its own order of worship which draws its resources from diverse denominational traditions. The union, especially in its reconciliation of the Anglican doctrine of apostolic succession with the views of other denominations, is often cited as a landmark in the ecumenical movement. The church accepts the Lambeth Quadrilateral as its basis and recognises the historical episcopate in its constitutional form. The CSI is also the largest Protestant denomination in the country.

Mission and Vision


The Church of South India affirms that the church is the Servant of God to carry on the mission rooted in Jesus Christ and based on the Scriptures. The Church through her mission expresses solidarity with the broken communities for a new hope to face the challenges of life. The cross continues to be the sign of hope for the witnessing church, which strives towards Unity, Peace and Reconciliation.


The Church of South India affirms that the purpose of the union is to fulfill the priestly prayer of Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Church: “That they all may be one and that the world may believe that you have sent me” (John 17:21). It is the vision of the CSI that it would become an effective instrument of God’s mission so that there will be greater peace, closer fellowship and fuller life in the church and society and a renewed commitment for the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Commitment of the Church

Being the largest Protestant church in India, the CSI celebrates her life with Indian culture and spirituality. She also raises her voice for the voiceless on matters of justice, peace and integrity of creation. This commitment is further manifested in: the sharing of the love of Jesus Christ with the people of India, around the world, through proclamation of the good news of Jesus; the response to human need through institutional and emergency relief work, through community development projects and skill training programmes for the marginalized and disadvantaged sections of the people.

The Journey Continues

The CSI is a united and uniting church moving forward with a dynamic vision. The Church of North India, the Mar Thoma Church, and the CSI constitute the Communion of Churches in India (CCI).  It thus ventures into wider ecumenical relations to witness to one Lord Jesus Christ.

When the church was formed, it had fourteen dioceses with a membership of over one million. Over the last seventy years the membership has grown to over 4 million people with 15,000 congregations spread over twenty four dioceses in the four states of South India (three Telugu dioceses in Andhra Pradesh, three Telugu dioceses in Telangana, three Kannada dioceses in Karnataka, six Malayalam dioceses in Kerala, eight Tamil dioceses in Tamil Nadu and one in Sri Lanka) firmly believing in unity amidst diversity of cultures, languages and liturgical traditions.

The CSI at a Glance

Membership: 45 Lakh
Dioceses: 24
Bishops: 24
Congregations: 15,000
Presbyters: 3200
Elementary and Nursery Schools: 1922
Teacher Training Schools: 15
Boarding Homes and Hostels:  525
Arts & Science Colleges: 94
Engineering Colleges: 5
Medical Colleges: 2
Theological Colleges: 7
Hospitals: 70
Dispensaries & Mobile Clinics: 125
Useful Links

Church of South India

Church of North India

CSI Synod

CSI Madhya Kerala Diocese

CSI Church Melbourne

CSI Church Sydney

CSI Church Adelaide