Sunday School

Sunday School

“But Jesus called the Children to him and said Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of god belongs to such as these.” – Luke 18:16

The endeavors of Robert Raikes in England to systematically teach children Bible stories led to the establishment of an organization known as the Sunday School in 1780. Within a few years, its influence had expanded to numerous countries, boasting approximately 300,000 students by 1790. The World Sunday School Union was formed in 1808, while the India Sunday Schools Union commenced its operations in Allahabad in 1876.

In 1780, Robert Raikes, a journalist, in collaboration with Mrs. Kim, initiated a movement in England targeting children who were left without supervision on Sundays due to their parents’ work commitments. Observing the unruly behavior of these children, Raikes was motivated to effect positive change in their lives. Consequently, he and Mrs. Kim began teaching them to read and write, imparting biblical knowledge in the process. As these sessions occurred on Sundays, they became known as Sunday Schools. Witnessing the profound impact of Sunday Schools on children, the concept rapidly proliferated worldwide. In India, Sunday Schools were inaugurated in 1876 in Allahabad, later expanding to Nilgiri (Conoor).


The primary objective of Sunday School is to impart biblical knowledge that can transform our lives to be of service to God and fellow beings, while also nurturing the God-given talents and abilities within us.

Sunday School in Holy Trinity CSI Church Brisbane

The Sunday School at Holy Trinity CSI Church Brisbane was established in 2012.

The academic year for Sunday School runs from January to December, with physical sessions held at 9:00 am every Sunday within the Church premises. Our Sunday School curriculum aligns with the syllabus developed by the Christian Education Department of CSI MKD. Each lesson encompasses Bible readings, memorization of verses, written activities, discussions, crafts, and concludes with a closing prayer.

Since its inception, our Sunday School has been dedicated to shaping the next generation to carry the responsibilities of the Church in the future.