Women’s Fellowship

Women’s Fellowship

Proverbs 31:25 : “Strength and honour are her clothing; she is confident about the future.”

The Women’s Fellowship of Holy Trinity CSI Church is a structured, disciplined, and active wing of the church which meets with an aim to unite the women of the church and create a platform for the women to be actively involved in all church activities. The Women’s Fellowship also enriches the women folk to be spiritually strong for the church, family and the society. Furthermore, this fellowship equips every woman as a potential role model for spiritual growth of others around her. The purpose of all our activities is to provide opportunities for the women to connect, practice biblical truth, fellowship events, or serving together.

Women are compassionate and faithful to all things in their lives and hence to successfully achieve the responsibilities of the organisation, regular meetings (every third Sunday of the month), Bible devotions, prayers, food fellowships, outreaches, outings etc are being organised. Reaching out to people who are distressed and oppressed is yet another motto of our ministry- regardless of their background or ethnicity. Periodically, a brunch or lunch meeting is organised for fun and fellowship which helps not only the organisation but also develops and nourishes bonding between people.

Women’s Fellowship of Holy Trinity Church is designed to:

  • Practice Spiritual disciplines 
  • Provide service to the church community wherever possible and needed
  • Strengthen and support relegated families or society
  • Engage in fellowship with women’s group of the church to grow in their faith and knowledge of Christ
  • Offer opportunities for women to be active members in all church programs
  • Uphold the importance of Christian marriage and support mothers to nurture their children in Christian values

Women’s Fellowship hosts events and activities throughout the year to support the church through prayers, financial contributions, organising food sale on major events like Harvest Festival, Women’s Sunday, organise food fellowship for carol rehearsals etc. We also partner with local communities to share and care the blessings and the love of Christ with the less fortunate.