
Wesley Mission Visit by Youth and Choir 2019

Christmas Carols 2019

Christ church, Milton

Carol Rounds 2019

Harvest Festival 2020

Harvest Festival 2021

VBS 2019

Holy Week – 2016

Christmas Family Get-Together 2015

Holy Communion Service – Rev Shaji Joseph

Vacation Bible School – 2015

Anglican Clergy Conference – 2015

Bishop Alison’s Visit – August-2015

Eastern Hills Anglican Church – June-2015

Family Picnic – 09-May-2015

Carol Night 2014 – Videos

X-mas Musical Night 2013 – Videos

X-mas Get-together & Musical Night 2013

Strings & Keyboard by Hannah & Hethel

Rt. Rev Thomas K Oommen with Brisbane Anglican Archbishop Aspinall, Bishop Holland, Bishop Nolan, Bishop Smith and Bishop Alison Taylor

Holy Communion & Confirmation Service lead by Rt. Rev. Thomas K. Oommen

Reception of Rt. Rev. Thomas K Oommen & 2nd Anniversary Celebrations

Rev. Raju Mathew’s Visit & Easter Service

Farewell to Mr. V.K Varkey

Congregation Trip with Achan & Fmly to Lamingtom National Park & One Day outing to Seventeen Mile Rock Park

Meeting with Bishop Geoff Smith -Rev Ron Pasche, Rev Jobby John Kulathumkal & Mr. Abraham Philip

Junior Carol 2012 – Videos

Annual General Body Meeting 2012


Our delegates at Melbourne Anniversary celebrations

Vicar’s House visits